Thriving Through Serving

“For, brethren, …by love serve one another.”
Galatians 5:13
Dear Friends,
Serving others is not natural for us as humans. Sure, there are times we like to help others. But service that is inconvenient is much more difficult to do.
And yet surprisingly that is where the joy of the Christian life comes from. When we humbly serve others we experience God's fullness in our own lives.
Many try to achieve happiness by striving only after their own goals. The inevitable result? Dissatisfaction! True contentment happens only when we serve the Lord and others.
Study after study show that volunteering is not only an act of Christ-like love; it is good for the mind and body. Serving others can also be a good diversion from our own worries.
We make all sorts of rational explanations for not serving: I don’t have time, I don’t know what I would do, and I don’t have any special skills to contribute.
But if you love, you and I are called by Jesus to serve. As I once read, “The Lord doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called.”
God doesn’t just want to work through you; He wants to work in you. Learn more about how you can start serving by filling out a connection card, emailing us or talking to Pastor Luke…you’ll be glad you did!
Your Servant,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor