Due North

“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.”
Psalm 48:2
Dear Friends,
I’ve always been intrigued by compasses. Why do they, no matter where you are, point to the north pole? Science says that magnet in the compass is drawn to align with the Earth's magnetic field. Ok, I accept that. One thing I do know about compasses, is that travelers decide their direction based on them. Spiritually minded Christians also have a compass – the Word of God – and David said that is, "on the sides of the north." A Bible-based life only faces one direction...not east, west or south but north, towards God.
For the Christian, due north is following a life of biblical obedience. In order to continue north, it is important that we allow Scripture to be our only standard for rule and practice. For years, I had a weekly video presentation for our small groups, at the end of the video I would sign off, "Let the Bible be your final authority." It seemed to me then, as now, a basic concept of the Christian should be that our entire lifestyle should be marked by a desire to walk in God’s ways.
As Christians, we always want to keep moving due north. As you look at the compass of God’s Word today, which direction are you headed?
Beautiful for Situation – God’s Word,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor